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Yeast Infection 101: What It Is, What Causes It And How To Treat It?

  • July 4, 2022
Ease Editorial Team
Yeast Infection


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What are yeast infections?

Yeast infections, also known as vaginal candidiasis, are caused by an overgrowth of a yeast called Candida. This yeast is naturally present in the vagina, as well as other areas of the body including the mouth and digestive tract. Yeast infections occur when there is an overgrowth of Candida in the vagina.


Yeast infections occur when there is a change in the environment of the vagina that favors Candida growth. A common cause is a disruption in the vaginal microbiome that causes “good” bacteria to die. Without bacteria to keep yeast at bay, Candida multiplies to abnormally high numbers, leading to an infection.

In order to keep your vagina microbiome healthy, make sure to avoid douching and using harsh intimate hygiene products. You can consider switching to a gentle pH balanced probiotic vaginal wash like the Ease Probiotic Cleanser which does not contain hash soaps and may help cleanse and refresh your vulva without disrupting the skin’s natural pH levels and microbiota.

Yeast also thrives in warm, humid environments. Staying in tight or sweaty clothes for extended periods of time can encourage Candida growth, so make sure to change out of them as soon as you can.


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How to spot a yeast infection?

Yeast infections are a type of vaginitis, a condition characterized by a swollen, painful vagina and unusual discharge. If you have a yeast infection, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Itchy sensation in the vulva and vagina.
  • Thick, white vaginal discharge with the texture of cottage cheese.
  • Painful, burning sensation when urinating.
  • Red, swollen vulva and vagina.

Most cases of yeast infections are mild, but some can progress to severe infection involving tears, cracks, and sores on the skin of the vulva. It is therefore crucial that you seek medical attention if you suspect a yeast infection.

Early treatment is key

Yeast infections can be uncomfortable, but we’re here to help. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial to ensure your symptoms don’t worsen and prevent recurring infections. If you think you have a yeast infection––or are experiencing abnormal symptoms––you can book a teleconsultation with one of our medical doctors at any time. And, if needed, we’ll deliver treatment to your doorstep––discreet, hassle-free, and in the comfort of your home.

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