Buy STI / STD Tests Online
Getting tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is a critical step to determining your status and getting treatment as soon as possible, if required. With Ease, you can buy HIV and STD tests online and get tested conveniently and discreetly from the comfort of your home.
- Sample collection by Singapore health professional
- Lab-certified results
- Results in less than 7 days
- Includes post-test STI / STD teleconsultation

Buy At-home STD Tests Online
Getting tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is a critical step to determining your status and getting treatment as soon as possible, if required. With Ease, you can buy HIV and STD tests kits online and get tested conveniently and discreetly from the comfort of your home.
- Sample collection by health professional
- Lab-certified results
- Results in less than 7 days
- Free post-test teleconsultation
Hassle-free STD Testing. Here’s how it works.
You Tell Us
Fill in our health questionnaire and select a location for your STI test sample collection
We Review
Our doctor reviews your responses, schedules your test, and books your appointment.
We Collect
A phlebotomist takes your blood sample and if needed, provide tools for self-collection
You Receive
Receive results in 7 days. Speak with a doctor and explore STI treatment options (if needed)
Ready to Take Control?
We offer a range of STD / STI test packages in Singapore
Syphilis |
Herpes II |
Hepatitis B |
Chlamydia |
Gonorrhea |
Not sure what’s best for you?
See a doctor online to learn more about STIs, explore the different HIV and STD / STI tests available in Singapore, and discuss existing STD symptoms (if any).
About Our STI Tests

We test for 6 common STIs
HIV attacks cells necessary for normal immunity functions, creating vulnerability to infections & diseases. It is transmitted via contact with certain bodily fluids, typically through unprotected sex.
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection typically transmitted through unprotected sex. With early detection and the right treatment, it can be cured with antibiotics.
Part of a group of hepatitis viruses that attack the liver, Hepatitis B can be passed on via unprotected sex through infected semen and vaginal fluids.
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be effectively treated with antibiotics if detected early. It is usually transmitted through unprotected sex or contact with infected bodily fluids.
Syphilis is a bacterial infection most commonly transmitted via contact with infected persons during sexual activity. With early detection and treatment, it can be cured in its early stages when symptoms are not yet severe.
Genital herpes is an STI caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), which is transmitted through sexual contact.

Here are common symptoms to look our for
Fever, chills, rash, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes
Abnormal vaginal/penile discharge, pain during sex, burning sensation when urinating, urge to urinate more frequently, pain in lower abdomen, sore throat, fever, heavier periods or spotting, swelling/pain in testicles (for males)
Fever, chills, weight loss, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, dark urine, pale faeces, swollen lymph nodes
Abnormal vaginal/penile discharge, pain during sex, burning sensation when urinating, abnormal bleeding between periods, pain in lower abdomen or testicles (for males)
Different symptoms may present at different stages. Initially, a small sore may appear at the infection site. This sore is usually painless and heals within 3 - 6 weeks, but this doesn't mean the infection is cured
Blisters on genitals, anus or buttocks; blisters in mouth, lips or face, itch or tingle, before blisters actually appear, swollen lymph glands, headaches, body aches, fever

STI testing from the comfort & privacy of your home
Lab-certified results by our laboratory provider
Ongoing customer care and support
At-home blood collection by a licensed phlebotomist
Free pick-up and delivery of samples to lab
Free post-test teleconsultation with a doctor
Receive results in less than 7 days

When should you get tested for STIs?
Test at least 45 days after exposure for maximum accuracy
It is important to note the window period for STD tests. This refers to the time between the exposure to the infection and the time when infection indicators can be successfully detected by the test. During the window period, the levels of these infection indicators are still too low to be detected by the test, even if an infection is present. Hence, the test may not be accurate.
The window period for the tests performed by our partner laboratory is approximately 1 month, though is recommended that the test be taken at least 45 days after the suspected exposure in order to prevent a false-negative result, and ensure maximum accuracy.
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Everything You Need in One Place
Speak to a doctor and get the morning-after pill delivered to you within 4 hours.
Speak to a doctor and get help for UTIs, yeast infections & similar conditions.

Making you feel safe
We know how much it means for you to be able to access discreet, affordable care from the comfort of your home, and get the support you need when it comes to your health and wellness. That is why we are dedicated to providing you with quality healthcare at your fingertips, allowing you to access a range of women's healthcare services from the comfort of your home.

Guadalupe Lazaro
Co-founder, Ease
Frequently Asked Questions
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections that are transmitted between partners during sexual activity. You can contract an STI through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has an STI. STIs may eventually progress to become Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
STIs and STDs may go undetected due to the patient being asymptomatic (i.e. they don’t show any symptoms).
Certain STIs, such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhoea can be treated with antibiotics. Some STIs and STDs can have serious long-term and even life-threatening consequences. Other STIs, such as HIV, hepatitis C, and herpes cannot be cured, though the symptoms can be managed and treated.
You may sign up for an STI / STD teleconsultation to discuss STD test packages with one of our doctors or directly sign up for an at-home or in-clinic STD test.
It is recommended for sexually active adults to get tested at least once a year, even when practicing safe sex regularly.
If you are sexually active with multiple partners, have unprotected sex, suspect a partner may have an STI due to visible symptoms and/or if they have multiple sexual partners – it is recommended for you to get tested more than the minimum recommendation of once per year.
You may sign up for an STI / STD teleconsultation to discuss STI / STD testing packages with one of our doctors or directly sign up for an at-home / in-clinic STD test.
Here are some of the common symptoms of STI / STDs, which may appear near your genitals, anus, or mouth:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bumps, sores, or rashes
- Itching and/or burning
- Pain or burning when you urinate
- Vaginal discharge that has a different smell, color, or texture
- Bleeding from your genitals (while not your period)
However, note that many STI / STDs have no signs or symptoms (asymptomatic). You can transmit your infection to your sexual partners even if you’re not experiencing any visible symptoms. Hence, it is important to use protection during sex, such as a condom, and get tested regularly. If you’re unsure if you have an STD, you may sign up for an STD teleconsultation to discuss them with one of our doctors or sign up for an STD test.
Yes. You can get an STI from both giving and receiving oral sex. STIs including HIV, syphilis, herpes, gonorrhoea, HPV, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia, can be transmitted via oral sex. Certain STIs such as herpes can spread through skin-to-skin contact, while others can infect your throat through oral sex.
We currently offer four types of at-home STI testing packages:
- HIV Test ($49) — HIV
- Basic STI Test ($169) — Syphilis, Herpes II, HIV and Hepatitis B
- Essential STI Test ($249) — Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis
- Full STD Test ($349)– Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Herpes II and HIV
If you are unsure of which test package to go for, we recommend that you sign up for an STI Teleconsultation. One of our doctors can advise you on the different HIV and STD test options available in Singapore, and which test package would be more suitable for you based on your healthcare needs!
For HIV Test (HIV) and Basic STI Test (Syphilis, Herpes II, HIV and Hepatitis B): Blood sample
Essential (Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis) and Full STI Test (Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Herpes II and HIV): Blood sample and vaginal swab (females) or Urine sample (males)
Blood samples are collected by our licensed phlebotomist at a location of your choice (either at home or with a partner clinic) to avoid a painful prick draw! The entire procedure takes up to 5 minutes.
Vaginal swabs and urine samples are self-obtained and will be picked up when they are ready to be collected and sent to the lab for testing.
Studies show that self-obtained vaginal swabs are as accurate as clinician-collected cervical specimens in the diagnosis of chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
Our partner laboratory also regularly uses self-obtained vaginal swabs for these tests and from their experience, the results are as accurate as if they were taken at a clinic by a doctor.
Our HIV and STD tests can be bought online in Singapore and are available for everyone!
Yes, it is important to take note of the window period of STI testing. This refers to the time between the exposure to the infection and the time when infection indicators can be successfully detected by the test.
For maximum accuracy, our at-home STI tests should be taken at least 45 days after exposure.
All the HIV and other STI test packages we offer include a complimentary post-test teleconsultation, where you can discuss your results and treatment options with our doctors. Any medication that is then prescribed will be charged separately and delivered to you.
On certain occasions, a face-to-face consultation with a doctor may be needed. In such an event, a member of our dedicated care team will reach out to you to make the necessary arrangements.
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